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16 students earned a field trip to a Virtual Reality & STEM technology center as part of an alternative program for working through challenging behavior: grades 1-3.

Students visited centertec after they earned the trip through positive behavior at school.They were all quite excited to be out of the classroom and in such a fun, engaging environment. After a quick safety overview, some students took right to the Virtual Reality offerings while others chose to watch at first.

One student began to exhibit challenging behavior, like running around and not listening to teachers, without initial interest in the head mounted displays (HMD). She didn’t want to sit still and didn’t seem comfortable strapping the HMD to her face.

A centertec ambassador saw the 1-on-1 aid struggling to engage with the student and quickly stepped in to demonstrate to the student the Nintendo Labo VR bird kit. With a few hand-triggered flaps of the wings, the ambassador handed the bird HMD to the student with enthusiasm. She immediately looked into the lenses and was transported, engaged, and sitting still while experiencing virtual flight.


